

Mr. Gora Datta is the Chair of following IEEE groups and events IEEE Healthcare: Blockchain & Artificial Intelligence Virtual Series, Southern California Council, SUSTECH-2021 Conference on Sustainable Technologies, IEEE-USA USGCoI (US Government Communities of Interest) and Orange County, Southern California CyberSecurity.

IEEE Healthcare: Blockchain & AI Virtual Series

He can be found speaking throughout these sessions.

SESSION #1 | 7 October 2020 | Intro/Kickoff

The kickoff meeting provided an introduction to this virtual series – orienting the broad audience on the topic as well as the structure and timeline of other events. Track chairs deliver in-depth overviews of each area of the topic and provide a framework for those who wish to engage these topics in the future.

SESSION #2 | 4 November 2020 | Industry Forum

This second of the virtual event series leverages the new digital world that the COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated, to discuss Blockchain & AI enabled solutions and their impact on healthcare. Due to this rapidly changing global ecosystem, now is the perfect time to explore new methods of coming together and advancing these technologies as a virtually connected community. This series is aiming to deliver actionable discussions from all aspects of the healthcare industry.

SESSION #3 | 2 December 2020 | Standards

This third of the virtual event series will be discussing areas where Blockchain & AI enabled solutions are driving toward standardization within the field of healthcare.

SESSION #4 | 3 February 2021 | AI Ethics

Ethics has long played a critical and often regulated role in healthcare. As we introduce new uses for artificial intelligence and blockchain in healthcare, there is the need to look at existing ethical framework to understand how these may apply and where they may not. This event is intended to explore the ethical questions and potential solutions for the use of blockchain and AI in healthcare.

SESSION #5 | 16 March 2021 | IOT Technical Track Deep Dive

Since the inaugural launch of this virtual program in October 2020 there have been significant refinements in the core Technical Tracks and we would like to launch into 2021 with a comprehensive review of the tracks, with the goal of enabling volunteer engagement paths that best align with skills and interests.

SESSION #6 | 7 April 2021 | Healthcare Education and Training

This session covers future trends of technical education in healthcare.

SESSION #7 | 5 May 2021 | Financing

This session covers aspects of financing enterprises for development and commercialization of Blockchain and AI based Healthcare, Medical Device products and services.

SESSION #8 | 2 June 2021 | Decentralized Clinical Trials

Decentralized clinical trials have rapidly expanded in number and scope during the global pandemic. Many research and technology groups are looking at how to capture the value of these decentralized trials and expand it moving forward. Technologies like blockchain and AI are part of the solution. This session explores how these emerging technologies can play a problem-solving role in the expanding field of decentralized clinical trials, and how might the expanded capabilities of blockchain and AI in healthcare fundamentally transform clinical trials, providing more access and greater reward to a larger number of people.

SESSION #9 | 14 July 2021 | Blockchain Elevated Healthcare

Join host John Greaves as he stokes the coals on a series of 4 intimate and one-hour chats around the fast-growing domain of Blockchain Elevated Healthcare.

SESSION #10 | 25 August 2021 | Healthcare Data Valuation

Mr. Datta will open the session and then Sean Manion to take us into the discussions.

SESSION #11 | 4Q2021 | Local Groups Update

SESSION #12 | 14 January 2022 | Season 1 Series Wrap

This session recapped the launch year of the series, recognized key contributors, and framed out the direction and vision for the second year.

See all sesions

IEEE Southern California Council (Latest events)

29 Oct 2021 The Spectrum spanning Quantum Computing to Fashion: Perspectives of a physicist artist.

See event

5 Oct 2021 The Multifunctional materials for emerging technologies, IEEE Distinguished Lecture

See event

14 Sep 2021 Next Generation Video Experiences

See event

SUSTECH 2021: The IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability


The IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability (SusTech 2021) is designed to explore the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.  It brings together scientists, engineers, technologists and scholars from multiple disciplines to hold a dialogue on environmental issues and collaborate on ideas to develop and utilize innovative tools and intelligent systems to address them.

See event

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Mobile Health


The HL7 Mobile Health Work Group creates and promotes health information technology standards and frameworks for mobile health.

Current Projects:

cMHAFF Project


The Consumer Mobile Health Application Functional Framework, (CMHAFF) defines security, privacy, and data standards and guidelines for mobile health applications (health apps). CMHAFF guidelines also addresses aspects of transparency and consumer protection through the development life cycle of such apps (from purchase, download, installation, use, and deletion). The intent is to provide industry guidance and common methods to enable the development of mobile health apps targeted to consumers/citizens that use protected health information (PHI) and personally identifiable information (PII).

Description of research interests

These standards will not address the clinical content of such apps (e.g., "Does it give good advice?"), but will provide a framework for security, privacy, and the integration of data generated from apps into Personal Health Record (PHR) and Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems, as well as into other types of data repositories (e.g., personal data stores, population care systems). Health Apps reference applications running typically on smartphones, but also on other consumer devices such as watches, fitness devices and tablets.

CMHAFF may reuse conformance criteria already available within the HL7 PHR-S and EHR-S Functional Models, augmenting with new conformance criteria specific to mobile platforms (e.g., use of geolocation services, accelerometers, cameras, microphones, contacts). It will also use existing HL7 principles for privacy and security risk assessment. CMHAFF responds to the universal domain with U.S. national and international participation in its development. It will not attempt to replicate standards, regulations, and guidelines defined elsewhere, but will reference them wherever possible.

In particular, CMHAFF will address the following areas:

  • Transparency of information about the app,
  • An apps purpose, intended use, target audience, authors, sources, evidence, etc.
  • User, device, and cross-system authentication
  • Authorization to content and features
  • Proxy designations
  • Use of location services, camera, accelerometers and other smartphone services
  • Security of data at rest (local and cloud)
  • Security of data in transit (wired and wireless)
  • Minimum data standards for device generated and device transmitted information
  • Record system reliability; record authenticity (it is what it represents to be)
  • Data provenance
  • Audit
  • Discontinuation of use of an app
  • Conditions and agreements, e.g., privacy policy, terms of use, and in-app disclaimers

See project

School Healthcare Information Framework utilizing Technology (SHIFT)


The SHIFT (“School Health Information Framework leveraging Technology”) proposes a visionary shift in students’ health and wellness – leading to an improved educational experience. SHIFT describes an approach for improving/harmonizing the school’s programs, services, initiatives, information, and technology related to a student’s health, namely, a standards-based framework that promotes advancements in School Health Technology and Services.

Description of research interests

Primary and secondary school-aged children may have certain health care concerns that need to be accommodated within the educational system. This project envisions and describes the ingredients for a SHIFT (School Health Innovation Framework leveraging Technology) in school health technology and/or services for school-aged children worldwide and in any type of school (e.g., public, private, career-technical, military, cyber, charter, advanced placement at a college, or other).

Schools are mandated (by legislation) to provide certain health care services to students and to manage certain health-related information. That information ought to be collected and exchanged electronically in a standards-based manner and may serve as a resource for all stakeholders involved with the student's health (including parents, guardians, administrators, nursing staff, food-service personnel, care providers, emergency personnel, and athletic trainers). School administrators and legislators would benefit from having ready access to a repository of school health information guidance and applicable school health information standards. Note: reporting guidelines may differ across various district, state, regional, and international boundaries.

See project

Mobile Health App Data Exchange Project


The purpose of this project is to develop an implementation guide (IG) to document the functional requirements and provide a framework supporting App Data Exchange between mobile health devices, apps and other parts of the Health IT Infrastructure (e.g., EHR, PHR, research).  The framework can be used to assess mobile health devices, apps and FHIR profiles to ensure that essential data needed for a variety of use cases (i.e., clinical, patient and research) is present.

Description of research interests

Mobile health devices and apps usually provide their own APIs and methods for collecting device data and communicating it to EHRs, Personal Health Record (PHRs) and research endpoints. Much of this data can (and has been) readily converted to FHIR resources. However, limits have been encountered which demonstrate that essential data needed to generate, interpret and use the FHIR resources is often missing. Hence the need to develop an implementation guide describing the functional requirements of such systems in the mobile health environment.

The draft FHIR implementation guide, mHealth App Data Exchange Framework & Functional Requirements (mHealth ADE), was balloted in May 2020.  The source code for this guide is can be accessed via the HL7 Github pages. 

At the onset of this project, an analysis was conducted to better understand variations in FHIR data exchanged from mobile health devices and apps. A wide variety of data can be collected and shared via mobile health devices and apps. This project will begin with a limited scope of data, including vital signs, physical activity, sleep and blood sugar. The intention is to create a implementation guide that can expand incrementally to include a more robust set of data elements.

The initial set of data elements are readily accessible in many mobile health apps and devices. Similar data is often used during treatment of disease affecting cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, lower respiratory, and endocrine systems. These diseases are five of the top ten leading causes of death in the US ( https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/leading-causes-of-death.htm ) and four out of ten in the world ( https://ourworldindata.org/causes-of-death ). Thus, they are high priority items to address in this project.

See project

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